Fontaine Diane Fountain Diana Anet Louvre MR 1581 MR sup 123

Description: Formerly attributed to Jean Goujon CC0 or Public domain via Wikimedia Commons httpscommonswikimediaorgwikiFile3AFontaineDianeFountainDianaAnetLouvreMR15812CMRsup123jpg Sent using Guerrillamailcom Block or report abuse httpswwwguerrillamailcomabuseaVFF4CgwEY7sFjQC32FHcPcwbTA8WC1Q3D3D

By: 5ncrcvexryzbsq0bgao

Date: 2016-12-21


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Fontaine Diane Fountain Diana Anet Louvre MR 1581 MR sup 123 sourced from Openclipart is licensed under CC0 1.0

* Note: Date might not match original source and might be an educated guess.